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The HPPS Regulations 1996

The Health & Personal Social Services (Disciplinary Procedures) Regulations 1996 currently govern disciplinary proceedings in relation to family health practitioners, including dentists. When the Health & Social Care Board receives information which it considers could amount to an allegation that a practitioner has failed to comply with his or her terms of service, the Board can either decide to:

  1. Take No Action
  2. Refer the matter to a Dental Discipline Committee
  3. Refer the matter to the Health & Social Care Tribunal
  4. Refer the matter to the General Dental Council
  5. Refer the matter to the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

The above decision-making process will normally involve an initial consideration of the matter by a Board Investigating Officer, following which, if concerns remain, the matter will then be referred onto the Regional Professional Panel and, if appropriate, after consideration by that Panel, further referred on to the Reference Committee who will make a final decision on whether the above steps are to be taken.