Membership information 0800 561 9000
Dentolegal advice 0800 561 1010

Frequently Asked Questions

About practising in Northern Ireland
  • Q
    Am I breaching patient confidentiality or the Data Protection Act 1998 (‘the DPA’) if I disclose patient records to the HSC board if requested to do so?
    02 September 2014

    You are not breaching patient confidentiality or the DPA if you disclose patient records either with the consent of the patient or if the HSC Board needs the information for the management of dental services in Northern Ireland.

  • Q
    If I have a complaint from a patient or I am being sued, do I need to travel to your offices to discuss the case with the dento-legal adviser?
    02 September 2014

    Dental Protection has a dedicated team of DLAs who deal with cases in Northern Ireland and who visit Belfast on a regular basis to meet with members. The meetings normally take place at our solicitors’ offices in the centre of Belfast. Our DLAs also provide a number of risk management lectures to dentists and dental students in Northern Ireland.

  • Q
    Where can I find out more about the complaints procedures that were introduced in April 2009?
    02 September 2014

    The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has a website for patients who might be unhappy with the care or treatment received from the Health and Social Care service in Northern Ireland. The HSC complaints process is fully documented online. You can also download Complaints in Health and Social Care: Standards and Guidelines for Resolution and Learning from the HSC website

  • Q
    Is there an NHS disciplinary process in Northern Ireland?
    02 September 2014

    Dentists working under the GDS in Northern Ireland still work under the ‘old style’ contract where there is provision for the Health and Social Care Board to refer a matter for disciplinary investigation. Click here for further information.

  • Q
    How long should I keep my records for?
    02 September 2014

    Regulation 21 of the Independent Health Care Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 specifies the arrangements for the maintenance of patient records and other records specified in Schedule 3 of the regulations. The regulations also advise records should be kept up to date, available for inspection at all times and retained for a period of not less than 10 years from the date of the last entry. 

    Dentists registered with RQIA are required to keep clinical records for a minimum period of not less than 10 years. Following an amendment of the Health and Personal Social Services GDS (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008, all NHS treatment records should be retained for six years.

    Dental Protection recommends that all dental records are retained for 11 years. For more information, click here to read our guidance on record keeping in the UK.