Membership information 0800 561 9000
Dentolegal advice 0800 561 1010

Salaried Primary Care

Join Dental Protection and benefit from a service that understands the specific needs of colleagues working in these three areas.
  • Salaried Primary Care Dental Services
  • Community Dental Service
  • Public Dental Service

Our dento-legal advisers can upon a range of both clinical and managerial experience across the team and are happy to provide support and assistance to members working in the managed services.

Members who provide clinical care in managed services will often find themselves in situations where the complex nature of their patients’ health, disability or mental condition - let alone the dental aspect of care - presents particular challenges. The need to involve carers, parents, relatives and other agencies in clinical decision making can be a source of difficulty. In addition, clinicians working in a managed service need to satisfy the requirements of their employing organisation whilst ensuring that patient care remains their first priority.

For those with a management responsibility or a team leadership role, juggling the various requirements of running a service effectively can present difficult choices and ethical dilemmas.

Frequently asked questions
  • Q
    I have come under some criticism from my line manager about my diagnostic skills and treatment of decay in children.
    06 January 2015
    I have to attend an investigating meeting at the Trust. Can Dental Protection help me?

    You can seek assistance and support from Dental Protection in any situation where your clinical ability or professional reputation is being challenged. Dental Protection has a large and experienced team of dento-legal advisers and local advisers and would normally offer assistance and representation at an investigating or disciplinary meeting.

  • Q
    I have been suspended from work pending investigation about my poor timekeeping.
    06 January 2015
    Can Dental Protection assist? I appreciate I have been late on a number of occasions, but I have a problem with my time management.

    The complaint being investigated relates more to your personal conduct rather than your professional conduct and this would normally be a matter to be dealt with by your professional body or trade union such as the the BDA, BSDHT or BADN.

  • Q
    I work full-time in the Community Dental Service I am now employed by a new organisation called a Social Enterprise Group (SEG).
    06 January 2015
    What is the situation as far as my indemnity arrangements are concerned?

    As an employee of a PCT, your indemnity cover would have been with the National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA). Now that you are no longer an employee of the Trust, your new employer (the SEG) should have made their own arrangements for indemnity cover. This could either be with the NHSLA (no change) or another provider. Alternatively, your new employer may ask you to arrange your own protection. If the latter is the case, please contact Membership Operations who will advise you on the change from an 'employer indemnified' subscription grade to a 'general and/or specialist' grade.

    If there appears to be an increase in your annual subscription then you might wish to consider approaching your new employers for a refund of any additional cost. Further advice on your new contractual arrangements with the SEG can also be obtained from the BDA Salaried Services Department. Please note that it is your responsibility to keep Dental Protection up-to-date with details of your clinical practice at all times.