Membership information 0800 561 9000
Dentolegal advice 0800 561 1010


Your career is an investment. Protect it.
Before a complaint even arises
Before an issue escalates
Before a claim can be made against you
We are here to protect you.

You have spent years growing your clinical expertise, investing time, money and energy into your career and becoming the best dentist you can be.

When you’re putting so much into becoming an expert in dentistry you need to get as much out of your defence organisation as possible.

As a member of Dental Protection you get more than just defence, which means we are there for you throughout your whole career, not just if things go wrong. The benefits that make up your membership protect you at every step, empowering you to take control of the risks you face. 

SUPPORT for your professional development through our free training courses helps reduce the chance of receiving claims and complaints.
  • Workshops and masterclasses on risk management and communication.
  • Courses delivered and developed by experienced clinicians.
  • Easily accessible online learning courses.
  • More free education resources than any other defence organisation.

Over 95% of attendees would recommend one of our workshops to a colleague.

quote marks - Blue Light
The Dental Protection courses I did were excellent - General dental practitioner

ADVICE from fellow practising dentists and dentolegal experts when you need reassurance and guidance can stop issues from escalating.
  • Free dentolegal advice line, available 24/7.
  • Over 70 experienced dentolegal advisers and specialist lawyers here to help.
  • Personal, tailored advice from fellow dentists.
  • The largest team of dentolegal advisers in the world.

In 2016 we answered over 16,860 calls to our dentolegal advice line, and 93% of those calls were answered within 20 seconds.

quote marks - Purple
Helpful and supportive, and the problem was very quickly resolved - Principal dentist

DEFENCE from world-leading professional experts can protect you and your reputation when you need it most.
  • The right to request indemnity for complaints and claims arising from your clinical practice, including representation in hearings, inquests and inquiries.
  • When we take a case, we can take care of all legal costs and compensation payments.
  • A dedicated defence team made up of experts in clinical negligence cases.
  • Support from our press team to help protect you and your reputation.

In 2016 we opened over 1,700 dental cases worldwide.