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Dental Nurse Indemnity FAQs

I am a Dental Protection Xtra practice owner and would like to know how many dental nurses can benefit from the indemnity arrangements that are now required by the GDC?

All employed and registered dental nurses working in a dental practice where the principal is a Dental Protection member - paying the appropriate subscription - have the benefit of indemnity for claims in negligence. This meets the current GDC requirements. In a Dental Protection Xtra practice however, up to 5 registered dental nurses may also apply for complimentary full membership. This provides the added reassurance of indemnity for any complaint, regulatory or disciplinary problem, in addition to being able to contact Dental Protection directly for advice about issues such as communication, record keeping, cross infection control and consent. This is a saving of up to £148 per dental nurse, per year. This membership is only valid as long as the dental nurse is in the employment of, and working within, a current Dental Protection Xtra practice. All other registered dental nurses within the practice may also apply for full membership of Dental Protection and take advantage of the 10% discounted subscription.

How does each dental nurse provide documentary confirmation of their indemnity arrangements if they work for the owner of a Dental Protection Xtra practice?

If they are one of the 5 registered dental nurses within the practice that have full complimentary membership under Dental Protection Xtra, then they will receive a membership certificate directly from Dental Protection each year at the time of their renewal. Other employed and registered dental nurses within the practice may ask their employer for proof of their employment within the practice, alongside their practice principal’s Dental Protection membership.

Does the Dental Protection Xtra arrangement for dental nurses only provide the dental nurse with indemnity for Clinical negligence claims?

No. In a Dental Protection Xtra practice up to 5 of registered nurses may apply to Dental Protection for complimentary full membership, that in addition to indemnity for claims of negligence, also provides the added reassurance of indemnity for any complaint, regulatory or disciplinary problem. In addition, they are also able to contact Dental Protection directly for advice about issues such as communication, record keeping, cross infection control and consent.

What does the owner of a Dental Protection Xtra practice have to do regarding the employment of new dental nurses or a dental nurse who subsequently leaves her job?

The complimentary membership of Dental Protection and discounted membership subscriptions are only valid provided the dental nurse is employed within a current Dental Protection Xtra practice. When a member of nursing staff leaves or is replaced, it is simply a question of contacting the membership department, who will then make the appropriate changes as required.

I am a Dental Protection member who owns a dental practice employing twelve dental nurses. I do not have a  Dental Protection Xtra membership, as the majority of my associates have different indemnity arrangements that do not include Dental Protection. How many of my dental nurses can be indemnified under my own membership of Dental Protection, and does their indemnity cover anything other than clinical negligence?

All employed and registered dental nurses working in a dental practice where the principal is a Dental Protection member and paying the appropriate subscription, have the benefit of indemnity for claims in negligence. It would, however, still be worth considering applying for Dental Protection Xtra membership, as the benefits are much more than the complimentary full membership of the 5 dental nurses and the discounted subscriptions available to all members of the dental team.

How can a dental nurse working for a Dental Protection member (without Dental Protection Xtra) demonstrate documentary confirmation of their indemnity arrangement?

All employed and registered dental nurses working in a dental practice where the principal is a Dental Protection member  and paying the appropriate subscription, have the benefit of indemnity for claims in negligence. This fulfils the GDC indemnity requirements. If proof of such indemnity is required, then the registered dental nurse should ask their employer for a letter confirming their employment status within the practice, alongside a copy of his or her practice principal’s Dental Protection membership certificate.

What should a dental nurse do on leaving a practice where an owner with Dental Protection membership has provided the indemnity arrangements for that individual? Does the nurse need to keep a copy of any particular document in case the GDC want retrospective proof of the arrangements?

If proof of any employed dental nurse’s indemnity arrangement (past or present) is required, then the registered dental nurse should ask the person responsible for their employment at the applicable time, for documentary proof of their employment within the practice, alongside his or her practice principal membership of Dental Protection.

Unfortunately this can sometimes be a little difficult, particularly if the employer has retired or is no longer practising. This is where having individual membership of Dental Protection is an advantage, as it avoids the problems of a registered dental nurse having to rely on third party indemnity.

Does Dental Protection provide downloadable PDF copies of the membership certificate?

Yes. You can download a PDF version from the manage my membership section of this website.

Alternatively, give us a call on 0800 561 9000 and we will send you a replacement. Calls to Membership Services may be recorded for monitoring and training purposes.

Can all dentists and DCPs obtain a copy of their membership certificate from

Unfortunately this is not currently possible. Members who require a copy of their membership certificate should contact Dental Protection’s membership department on 0800 561 9000, who will be happy to assist.