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Sliding Doors Seminar Series

Designed specifically for hygienists, therapists and OHTs

Find out how to protect yourself when facing challenging situations with the Sliding Doors seminar series.

Get the guidance you need to manage difficult scenarios to ensure a better outcome for both you and your patients.

Each of the seminars in the series focusses on common situations reported to us by hygienists, therapists and OHTs. By using real-life scenarios, the seminars provide you with the skills and understanding to manage similar problems in the future.

Cost and booking:

Dental Protection members: FREE
Non-members: $220

Each seminar provides three hours of clinically-based CPD.

These seminars are free for members of Dental Protection. Practitioners who are not members pay $220 to book their place.

Speak to us now about becoming a member of Dental Protection by calling 1800 444 542 or contacting [email protected]

The five different seminars in the series are: 

  1. Why didn’t you say so? Consent
  2. Which side are we on? Wrong tooth, wrong site
  3. Gobsmacked Allegation of rough handling or abuse
  4. Stretching the boundaries 
  5. Dirty stories Infection control breach 

Please contact [email protected] for further information or to express your interest in any of the upcoming events.

We have already visited:

Saturday 21 February 2015, Brisbane, Why didn't you say so?
Saturday 21 March 2015, Toowoomba, Why didn't you say so?
Saturday 23 May 2015, Perth, Gobsmacked
Saturday 20 June 2015, Sydney, Gobsmacked
Saturday 25 July 2015, Melbourne, Gobsmacked
Saturday 31 October 2015, Tasmania, Gobsmacked 
Saturday 13 February 2016, Darwin, Gobsmacked 
Saturday 20 February 2016, Adelaide,Why didn’t you say so?
Friday 13 May 2016, Townsville, Why didn’t you say so?
Saturday 10 September 2016, Melbourne, Which side are we on?
Saturday 11 March 2017, Rockhampton, Gobsmacked
Saturday 13 May 2017, Perth, Why didn't you say so?
Sunday 20 August 2017, Sydney, Why didn't you say so?
Saturday 14 October 2017, ADIA Dental Show, Brisbane, Gobsmacked
Saturday 8 March 2018, Perth, Dirty Stories
Friday 11 May 2018, Sydney, which side are we on?
Saturday 14 July 2018, Townsville, Dirty Stories

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