RPII Position Statements

29 September 2014

On 21 June 2011, the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) published two new position statements for users of dental x-ray equipment, which amend its Code of Practice for Radiological Protection in Dentistry (RPII – 96/2):

  • The Use of Lead Aprons in Dental Radiology
  • Personal Dosimetry in Dental Radiology
The Use of Lead Aprons in Dental Radiology

This statement was developed jointly with the Health Service Executive (HSE) and deals with the requirement to wear lead aprons whenever dental x-rays are being taken. The new advice states that there is no need for staff using x-ray equipment to wear lead aprons once they adhere to safe working practices and that there is no justification for aprons to be routinely worn by patients. 

Lead aprons should, however, be provided to anyone who holds or supports a patient during an x-ray and special consideration should be given to the shielding of the patient’s thyroid.

Personal Dosimetry in Dental Radiology

This statement sets out the RPII’s requirements on the need for personal dosimetry in dental radiology. Where previously a personal dosimetry programme was a mandatory licensing requirement, dentists are now required to undertake a risk assessment, in conjunction with their Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA), to determine whether such a programme is required.

With the appointment of RPAs to all dental practices, dentists have access to independent expert advice on radiation protection and decisions as to whether personal dosimetry is required can now be taken by the individual practice.

There has been an extensive review of this issue by the RPII’s Regulatory Service. This review included an examination of the RPII’s dosimetry records over the past 10 years, current practices in other European countries as well as acknowledging the standard of dental x-ray units in Ireland today.

The Dental Council Code of Practice Use of Ionising Radiation for Dental Purposes has not changed.