We've revamped our rewards for risk management CPD

If you participate in the RiskCredits scheme, from January 2025 you will receive a 10% reduction on your subscription at your next renewal.

The new scheme is part of our package of risk management initiatives designed to help you reduce your risk of becoming the subject of a claim or complaint.


What are RiskCredits?

To encourage participation in risk management initiatives, we offer a reduced subscription as a reward to dentists who complete a minimum of ten hours of qualifying continuing professional development (CPD).


What is the new scheme?

To qualify for a 10% reduction in your subscription you must complete a minimum of ten hours of qualifying CPD (equates to 10 RiskCredits), made up of:

  • three core modules, which will be available from our online learning hub (worth three hours of CPD) from January 2025 onwards
  • an additional seven hours, made up of elements you feel are most relevant to your practice. Optional modules are shown on our online learning hub

Your reduced subscription will then take effect from your next renewal date.



Qualifying activity

Activity Number of RiskCredits
Dental Protection face-to-face conference 5 RiskCredits
Virtual workshops (all titles) 2 RiskCredits per workshop
Dental Protection webinars 1 RiskCredits per webinar
Dental Protection risk management lectures 1 RiskCredits per hour
32Co Clear Aligner Starter Course or Clear Aligner Stretch Course 5 RiskCredits on completion of course

Under the new scheme which came into effect from January 2025, you must complete three mandatory modules totalling three hours, and you can make your own choice for the remaining seven hours from the options available.


RiskCredits submission form

Download the form on this page and complete when your renewal date is due. Please use this form to record any RiskCredits you have achieved since your last renewal date.



  • RiskCredits are only available to members paying a membership subscription for work in Ireland and who have participated in the events listed on this page.
  • RiskCredits are not available to dentists in Northern Ireland who pay UK membership rates.
  • Eligibility may be subject to an individual risk profile review.
  • RiskCredits are awarded for risk management CPD carried out in the previous membership year. Please note you can only use CPD hours to count towards RiskCredits once and CPD must have been carried out in the previous 12 months of membership.
  • One RiskCredit will be awarded for every hour of verifiable risk management CPD of recognised activities, which are events organised by Dental Protection or where Dental Protection has provided a speaker.
  • The number of RiskCredits will equal the number of hours that the Dental Protection lecturer speaks, for example, a one-hour lecture from one of our dental experts will equal one RiskCredit.
  • A maximum of 10% discount can be granted under the new scheme.


How do I apply for RiskCredits?

Simply download the RiskCredits form above and submit at your next renewal date.

How do I find out about the core modules I must complete?

All information on the modules available, including the mandatory core modules, is available on our online learning hub.



Will I still be eligible under the old scheme if I don't renew until November 2025?

No, any membership that renews from 1 January 2025 will be eligible under the new one-tier RiskCredits.

Why is Dental Protection rewarding CPD?

The Dental Council's Code of Practice - Professional Behaviour and Ethical Conduct states that all dentists have an obligation to maintain and update their knowledge and skills through risk management CPD.

Although CPD after graduation is not yet mandatory in Ireland, there is a lot you can do to protect yourself against the rising rate of claims against dentists.

For many years, Dental Protection has rewarded members in Ireland who choose to participate in relevant risk management CPD. This reward is part of a wider package of risk management initiatives that can help reduce the frequency of claims. For this reason, the reward is only available to members paying a membership subscription for work in Ireland and who have participated in the events listed on this page.

RiskCredits are awarded for risk management CPD carried out in the previous membership year.


To encourage participation in risk management CPD, we reward dentists with reduced subscriptions as part of our package of risk management initiatives.
  • The RiskCredits reward programme is only valid for members paying Ireland membership rates and who attend or who have attended an eligible risk management event.
  • RiskCredits are not available to dentists in Northern Ireland who pay UK membership rates.
  • For any queries please contact membership services.

Although continuing professional development (CPD) after graduation is not yet mandatory in Ireland, there is much that you can do to protect yourself against the increasing claims frequency that dentists here are experiencing. It is important to be aware that the Dental Council’s Code of Practice pertaining to Professional Behaviour and Dental Ethics states that all dentists have an obligation to maintain and update their knowledge and skills through risk management CPD.

For many years, Dental Protection has rewarded Ireland dental members who choose to participate in relevant risk management CPD. This reward is part of a wider package of risk management initiatives that can help reduce the frequency of claims. For this reason, the reward is only available to members paying a membership subscription for work in Ireland = and who have participated in the events listed on this page.

RiskCredits are awarded for risk management CPD carried out in the previous membership year. Please note you can only use CPD hours to count towards RiskCredits once and CPD must have been carried out in the previous 12 months of membership.

One RiskCredit will be awarded for every hour of verifiable risk management CPD declared from the list below of recognised activities, which are events organised by Dental Protection or where Dental Protection has provided a speaker. The number of RiskCredits will equal the number of hours that the Dental Protection lecturer speaks, for example, a one-hour lecture from one of our Dentolegal Donsultants will equal one RiskCredit.

  • Members with no RiskCredits = 0% discount
  • Members with some, but fewer than 7.5 RiskCredits = 7.5% discount
  • Members with between 7.5 and 15 RiskCredits = 15% discount
RiskCredits Submission Form

You will be sent a RiskCredit submission form when your renewal is due, or you can download one below. Please use this form to record any RiskCredits you have achieved since your last renewal date. All Dental Protection event and conference certificates can be downloaded from our online learning hub PRISM once event feedback has been completed. Please DO NOT submit CPD certificates with your submission form but be aware that you may be asked to provide proof of the declared risk management CPD at some point during the renewal process.

RiskCredits declaration form

Qualifying activity
  • Dental Protection face to face workshops (all titles) – 3 RiskCredits each.
  • Virtual workshops (all titles) – 2 RiskCredits each.
  • Virtual conference - Young dentist conference (1-5 years post qualification); Dental Protection conference - 3 RiskCredits each.
  • Dental Protection webinars - 1 RiskCredit each.
  • Dental Protection online learning courses via PRISM – Risk management modules, ethics modules, and reflective learning; 1 RiskCredit per hour of online learning completed.
Blended learning

Quite deliberately, the formats of the above risk management activity are a combination of online activity, distance and reflective learning, and didactic sessions in a small group or webinar/conference environment. We believe there are benefits in each of these approaches and although everyone will have a different preferred learning style, direct contact with professional colleagues is generally a beneficial part of the overall mix.


During the renewal process members will be asked to declare any verifiable CPD undertaken within the previous membership year from a list of approved activities up to a maximum of 15 hours.

Frequently asked questions

  • Q
    What are RiskCredits?

    This is an initiative introduced by Dental Protection in 2013 whereby members can claim up to 15% reductions on the normal full subscription rate according to their level of participation in risk management activity that has been approved by Dental Protection. You will be sent information regarding RiskCredits with your renewal notice.

  • Q
    How do I claim RiskCredits?

    Download the form on this page and fill this in. Please fill this in with the qualifying risk management CPD you have completed in the previous 12 month period. Please do not submit CPD certificates with your submission form (you may be asked to provide proof of declared CPD at some point in the renewal process).

    At least one hour of verifiable risk management CPD must be achieved by attending a Dental Protection approved event or lecture.

  • Q
    How do I know my RiskCredits discount has been applied?

    You will receive a letter and a certificate. If you pay by Direct Debit you will be sent a new payment schedule and if you pay by other methods, you will be sent an invoice.

    You will still be able to claim the IDA membership reduction.

  • Q
    Will I automatically be put into the correct category?

    When you receive your next membership renewal it will be at the full discounted rate and you will be required to submit your Risk Credit submission form each year for review.

    The IDA reduction will still apply, at each renewal, . If that position changes you need to tell us immediately so your membership can be updated from the date your IDA membership ceased.

  • Q
    What happens if I am paying the wrong subscription?

    As a member it is your responsibility to ensure that you are paying the correct subscription for your membership by providing us with full and up to date details of your practice including the geographical location, the full extent of the work done, your position held and any other relevant factors. Our membership categories and their qualifying criteria are regularly reviewed and they do change from time to time – you are strongly advised to check at every membership subscription renewal date that the category and rate that you are paying is still the correct one. Failure to pay the correct subscription can have very serious consequences including; the suspension of your membership benefits; a refusal by us to assist or to provide you with indemnity in respect of any claim or matter and/or your membership being declared void or being terminated.

    If you have any queries regarding your subscription category, please contact our Service Centre helpline on 1800 932 916 or email [email protected]