Media Centre

Our Media Centre provides media handling support to members and is also the place for journalists to come to request interviews or commentary on key issues affecting dentists and other healthcare professionals.

The press office

Press support for members

If you find yourself in the media spotlight please get in touch and we can provide expert advice and support, including liaising with journalists and providing statements on your behalf.

Media scrutiny of you and your practice could put your personal and professional reputation at risk. Early advice can help mitigate risks and we can help you respond to the media and deal with them on your behalf.

Our Press Office is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you need advice or guidance on handling media enquiries, please contact a member of the Press Office 

Information for journalists

Our Press Office assists with media requests for information or commentary on the dentolegal and medicolegal, ethical and healthcare policy issues of the day.

Our spokespeople are experienced, authoritative and well placed to comment on issues that affect the practice of doctors and other healthcare professionals, and include registered dental and medical practitioners and those who hold legal qualifications.

We also issue press releases, designed to keep you informed of the public statements we make, including comment on emerging issues, policy and analysis of our data.

For urgent out of hours media support (between 5.30pm and 8.30am GMT) please call +44 113 243 6436

Press releases

Two new members of Dental Protection’s Board of Directors

04 December 2014
Dental Protection is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor John Gibson from Glasgow, as the new Chairman of the Board of Dental Protection Ltd.
Professor Gibson is qualified in both dentistry and medicine and is Professor of Medicine in Relation to Dentistry and Honorary Consultant in Oral Medicine in Glasgow. He succeeds Professor Trevor Burke who retired from the Board in October having completed his term of office on the Board.
He is joined on the Board by Professor Callum Youngson who is Professor and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Liverpool, and Dean of Liverpool Dental School.

The two new appointments were announced at the Premier Symposium on 29 November in London when Professor Gibson Professor Youngson lectured to a capacity audience at the Shaw Theatre in London.

Kevin Lewis (Dental Director) said

We are extremely lucky to have two new Board members of such standing within the dental profession both in the UK and wider afield. They join us at a time when the dental profession is experiencing a previously unseen level of regulatory challenges, but I have no doubt that their input will ensure that Dental Protection continues to provide the profession with the high standard of service and insightful leadership for which it has become known.
For more information about our press releases, contact [email protected]