Membership information +852 2528 5327
Dentolegal advice +852 2528 5327

Join Dental Protection and get more than just the peace of mind that comes with having world-class protection. We have supported and protected members in Hong Kong for over 70 years. With over 130 years of expertise worldwide, we're here for you today, tomorrow and into the future.

Expert dental discretionary indemnity and representation

Our protection provides you with intelligent risk management, high quality legal defence and an influential voice for your profession, giving you the freedom to practise with confidence.

We’re here for you through any professional challenges you may face, from patient complaints to regulatory issues and disciplinary proceedings.

Our expert team understands the challenges of clinical practice, with dentist-to-dentist support and advice. You can contact us in an emergency.

Membership with Dental Protection also helps you expand your skills, enabling you to tackle common causes of complaints and claims with access to our risk management resources.

Whatever stage you’re at in your career, we can provide the right support for you.

Benefits of membership

Advice and legal representation

You can request advice and legal representation for Dental Council investigations, disciplinary and regulatory proceedings and criminal investigations related to your professional practice

Clinical negligence

You can request indemnity for clinical negligence claims arising from your private practice* and Good Samaritan acts worldwide

Complaints support

Help responding to and resolving patient complaints

Dentolegal advice

Dentolegal advice line including out of hours emergency support

Expert legal team

Access to a dedicated expert legal team which may include clinical negligence solicitors, dentolegal consultants and professional claims managers

Professional development workshops and online courses

CPD available through workshops and online seminars to develop your communication and risk management skills

Risk management resources

Access to online publications and case reports

Confidential counselling service

Access to our confidential counselling service to support you through a stressful case or claim

Help with unwanted media attention

Expert support including preparing statements and responding to the media on your behalf

*Clinical negligence claims are not applicable to public hospital or employer indemnity

To apply for membership complete our online application form.


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Alternatively, if you want an indicative subscription cost, please use the contact form below

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To successfully complete this application, please ensure you have all records to hand. This includes full details of your qualifications, previous indemnity history and where applicable, any claim or case information.

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