Membership information 1800 444 542
Dentolegal advice 1800 444 542

Ceasing practice

  • Q
    What happens when I retire, or cease Dental practice in Australia?
    04 May 2021

    If you are permanently ceasing Dental practice in Australia either because of retirement or relocation overseas, please email, in the first instance [email protected] as your policy will be placed into a leave of absence category as a renewable policy, for the next four years to give you the flexibility to return to practice if your circumstances change. This provides you with retroactive cover for your past practice, ensuring you are covered for any claims that may arise from your previous practice* and meets the requirements of the Dental Board of Australia that you maintain retroactive cover for your past practice. Following four years of a leave of absence, you may be eligible for an extended reporting period (ERP) subject to approval by MDA National Insurance which will continue to provide you with ongoing cover for any matters you become aware of after your retirement. If you cease practice and do not place your insurance into run-off, you may be liable for any claims that are notified after the last date of your policy.

    * Subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

  • Q
    As I had a policy in place at the time the treatment was provided, shouldn’t I be covered regardless of whether I am on a leave of absence or extended reporting period?
    04 May 2021

    Professional indemnity insurance in Australia is provided on a ‘claims made’ basis, which means that you are required to have cover in place at the time the incident occurred as well as when the claim occurs in order to be covered. If you don’t have either an active policy or run off through an Extended Reporting Period (ERP) when you cease practicing, you may not have ongoing cover for any matters arising from your past practice.

  • Q
    What do I need to do when I cease practice?
    04 May 2021

    The Dental Board of Australia Registration Standard: Professional Indemnity Insurance Arrangements provide that when you cease practice, you must take out run-off cover for matters arising from previous practice as a registered healthcare practitioner that would otherwise not be covered. There are different options available to our members when they cease practice, dependant upon whether or not the cessation is temporary or permanent. These options are outlined below.

  • Q
    How do I arrange for my policy to be placed into a leave of absence category?
    04 May 2021

    All requests to amend a policy must be made to us by email. To arrange for your policy to be placed into a leave of absence category, please email [email protected] with your request, [email protected] with your request, including confirmation of your last date of practice before you started leave.

  • Q
    When you temporarily cease practice
    04 May 2021

    If you are temporarily ceasing practice for a period of three months or more, you can change to a leave of absence category. The leave of absence category will provide you with retroactive cover for your past practice, covering you for any claims that may arise while you are on leave*. There is no Dental Protection membership fee payable while you are on a leave of absence, however there is a reduced indemnity premium payable to our underwriter, MDA National Insurance Pty Ltd (MDA National Insurance). This cover meets the requirements of the Dental Board of Australia that you maintain retroactive cover for your past practice.

    * Subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

  • Q
    I am about to go on maternity leave, can I suspend my policy until I return to work?
    04 May 2021

    We can place your policy into a leave of absence category until you return to work. This will provide you with retroactive cover for your past practice giving you the peace of mind that you are covered for any claims that may arise while you are on leave . There is no Dental Protection membership fee payable while you are on maternity leave, however there is a reduced indemnity premium payable to our underwriter, MDA National Insurance. This cover meets the requirements of the Dental Board of Australia that you maintain retroactive cover for your past practice.

    * Subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

Returning to work after cessation of practice

  • Q
    Returning to work after a temporary cessation of practice
    04 May 2021

    If you are currently in a leave of absence category and will be returning to practice, please contact us by email approximately one week prior to returning to work. We request this as all requests to amend your policy must be made in writing, as we are unable to process policy amendments over the phone. Please email your request to [email protected] and include your practice category code and the date that you will be returning to practice.

  • Q
    What happens if I want to come out of retirement and resume practising?
    04 May 2021

    If your policy is in a leave of absence category, please email our membership team at [email protected] to place your policy into a practicing category. If you have an approved Extended Reporting Period (ERP) and you are going to be returning to practice, you will need to complete and submit a proposal form for our insurer, MDA National Insurance. Please notify us of your intention to return to work in writing at least two weeks prior to your intended start date. Once you have completed the return to practice form, please email it to [email protected].  Your form will be reviewed by our insurer, and upon approval, your ERP will be deactivated, and you will be issued with a quotation. 

  • Q
    I have not been practicing and didn’t renew my policy last year as I was not aware that I needed to maintain cover while on leave. I am now planning on returning to work, can you send me a new renewal notice?
    04 May 2021

    As your policy would have lapsed due to non-payment of your renewal premium, we you need to re-apply by completing the application forms located here on our website. Once you have completed the forms, please email them to [email protected]. Please ensure you include a brief statement with your application to confirm that you have not practised in the absence of indemnity.

Overseas applicants

  • Q
    I recently completed my ADC exams and AHPRA classifies me as a new graduate. Am I eligible for the complimentary final year student/graduate policy?
    04 May 2021

    Our categories are based on the year that you completed your undergraduate degree, not the date of ADC exam completion or the date that any post-graduate qualifications were completed.  If you did not recently graduate from your dental degree, the final year student/graduate category is not applicable.

  • Q
    I have recently been insured with Dental Protection in another country. Can I transfer my policy across to Dental Protection Australia?
    04 May 2021

    Due to different insurance requirements between other jurisdictions and Australia, we are unable to transfer your indemnity policy from another country to Australia. To provide you with a quote for indemnity insurance for your practice in Australia, you need to complete application forms for membership with Dental Protection Australia and indemnity insurance, underwritten by MDA National Insurance.  You can download the application forms here

  • Q
    I graduated overseas quite a number of years ago, however I have never actually practiced. I just finished my ADC exams and will commence practice for the first time. Am I eligible for the complimentary final year student/graduate policy?
    04 May 2021

    As our categories are based on the year you completed your dental degree, and not the total number of years practising, you are not eligible for the final year student/graduate policy.

Amending your policy

  • Q
    I am currently in a part time category and am unsure whether or not I will go over the total annual hours for that category. Do I need to change my category?
    04 May 2021
    If you are unsure whether or not you will go over the yearly threshold, we recommend keeping track of your hours. If it comes to your attention that you will exceed the total yearly threshold allocated to your category, please email us at [email protected] to change to a full time category
  • Q
    I am in a part time category and will be working more than the average weekly hours, however, I will be under the total financial year threshold. Do I still need to change to a higher category?
    04 May 2021

    It does not matter if you occasionally work more hours than the total weekly average allocated to your category. Providing that you will not be exceeding the total yearly threshold for your category, you can remain in your current category.

  • Q
    I am currently in a part time category and my hours are about to increase. How do I change my category?
    03 October 2023
    You can change your practice category at any time, and this must be done in writing. Please email your request to [email protected] and one of our membership team will provide you with a quote to amend your policy. Please ensure you include your new practice category code and the date that you require the amendment to commence.

Defined practice and procedures

  • Q
    I surgically place implants, does this mean I need a D4I or D4X category?
    07 May 2021

    Yes it does. Claims data demonstrate that surgical implant placement accounts for a significant number and expense of claims handled by Dental Protection and so to ensure that members who do not surgically place implants are not subsidising the risk of those members who do, we have established this category.

  • Q
    I am a dentist and am going to start doing orthodontic treatment, do I need to add this to my policy?
    06 May 2021

    Your policy covers you broadly for the practice of dentistry, and for all procedures within your scope of practice. Therefore, orthodontic treatment is automatically covered, providing it is within your scope of practice. There is a specific category for Specialist Orthodontics which you should select if you are registered in that capacity.

  • Q
    I undertake the occasional surgical removal of lower third molars. Do I need to select the D4X or D4M category?
    06 May 2021
    You can either select the D4X or D4M category if you undertake the removal of impacted and/or unerupted/partially erupted mandibular third molars, or where none of the other conditions relating to the D4I or the D4X categories apply.
  • Q
    I am a registered Specialist but don’t do any extended procedures such as implants, surgical removal of wisdom teeth or sinus lifts. Am I covered under the D4 category?
    06 May 2021

    If you are a Specialist other than an Orthodontist or Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon and don’t undertake any of the extended procedures covered under D4X, D4I or D4M you should select the DSP4 category which is for all registered Specialists (other than Orthodontists and Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons). Please refer to our Practice Category Guide for more information.

  • Q
    I do orthodontics, but I am not a specialist. Which category should I choose?
    06 May 2021
    If you are not a registered Specialist Orthodontist you can select our general dentist categories, including our part time categories and D4. provided you are also not undertaking any of the procedures listed in the D41,D4M or D4X categories  Registered Specialists in Orthodontics should be in the DSO4 category.
  • Q
    I am a general dentist and surgically place implants, however I only place one or two a year. Do I need a higher level of cover than D4?
    06 May 2021
    Yes, if you are surgically placing any implants you require higher cover than the D4 category. Please review the D4I and D4X category descriptions for the most suitable option.  
  • Q
    I am a dentist and have just completed a course on the use of Botulinum toxin and dermal fillers. Do I need to add cover to my policy for this? Or is it already covered?
    06 May 2021
    Our policies underwritten by MDA National Insurance are designed to cover you broadly for the provision of dental treatment, and for all procedures within your scope of practice. Provided you are undertaking these treatments in accordance with the requirements of the Dental Board of Australia, you are automatically covered for these procedures. For further information regarding how the policy covers you for these treatments, please click here.
  • Q
    I am registered as a specialist oral surgeon. Do I need to be in the D4X or D4M or D4I category?
    07 May 2021

    Not necessarily. If any of the conditions for inclusion in D4X or D4M or D4I apply to you, then you should be in that category. If none of those conditions apply to you, then you should select whatever other category meets your practice requirements.

  • Q
    Is there a limit on the amount of crowns or veneers I can place under my policy?
    06 May 2021
    No, there is no limit.
  • Q
    Am I covered for conscious sedation?
    06 May 2021
    Yes, providing you are endorsed by AHPRA to provide conscious sedation.
  • Q
    I am a dentist and am going to start doing orthodontic treatment. Do I need to add this to my policy?
    03 October 2023
    Your policy covers you broadly for the practice of dentistry, and for all procedures within your scope of practice. Therefore, orthodontic treatment is automatically covered, providing it is within your scope of practice. There is a specific category for Specialist Orthodontics which you should select if you are registered in that capacity.
  • Q
    I am currently only undertaking non-clinical work, do I still need indemnity cover for this?
    06 May 2021
    As per the requirements of the Dental Board of Australia, you are required to maintain indemnity insurance for all aspects of your practice, including non-clinical practice. Practice has been defined by the majority of the National Boards, including the Dental Board of Australia as the following:

    “Practice means any role, whether remunerated or not, in which the individual uses their skills and knowledge as a health practitioner in their profession. For the purposes of this registration standard, practice is not restricted to the provision of direct clinical care. It also includes using professional knowledge in a direct non-clinical relationship with clients, working in management, administration, education, research, advisory, regulatory or policy development roles, and any other roles that impact on safe, effective delivery of services in the profession.”
  • Q
    What is the difference between D4X, D4I and D4M?
    03 October 2023
    D4I: If you undertake placement of implants with or without adjunctive bone and soft tissue augmentation and where none of the other conditions relating to D4M or D4X apply, you should be in D4I

    D4M: If you undertake the removal of impacted and/or unerupted/partially erupted mandibular third molars where none of the other conditions relating to D4I or D4X apply, you should be in D4M

    D4X: if you undertake:

    - Surgical placement of implants, and

    - Removal of impacted and/or unerupted/partially erupted mandibular third molars, and/or

    - Any sinus lift or bone augmentation procedures involving the maxillary sinus and/or nasal floor

    you should be in D4X
  • Q
    I am registered as a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Am I affected by category D4X?
    07 May 2021
    No you are not. You should refer to the specific categories for oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and select the one that meets your requirements., You are covered for sinus lifts and bone harvesting from outside the mandible and maxilla under any one of the oral and maxillofacial categories. Surgical removal of third molars and/or implant placement can occupy any proportion of the total time you work, although if you choose a part time category, obviously your total working hours must not exceed the stated level.
  • Q
    I am a periodontal specialist. I seem to remember that under the previous definition, D4X did not apply to anyone registered as a periodontal specialist. Is that still the case?
    07 May 2021
    The previous category definition covered all forms of dento-alveolar surgery, but periodontal surgery was specifically excluded. It was the type of surgery undertaken, not the training or qualifications of the clinician that was the determining factor. The new category wording makes it much clearer that it is higher risk surgical procedures (implant placement, certain third molar removal and certain procedures involving the maxillary sinus or nasal floor) that are covered by the D4X category. If you are carrying out either of these procedures, you need to be in category D4X, D4I or D4M irrespective of whether you are a general practitioner or a specialist
  • Q
    I often use bone grafts when carrying out treatment that includes implants. How does that affect the category that I should be in?
    07 May 2021
    Placing bone grafts is included within any of the standard categories, and the nature of the grafting material is not in itself a factor. The normal categories include harvesting autogenous bone (ie, from the same patient) as long as the donor site is within the mandible or maxilla, and/or the use of freeze dried, cadaver or synthetic bone materials (such as Bio-Oss). However, members are advised to read our briefing document on this subject.

    However, if such a bone graft is used in association with a sinus lift and/or augmentation of the nasal floor, then category D4X applies.

    The harvesting of autogenous bone from other sites beyond the mandible or maxilla (eg, rib or iliac crest) is a maxillofacial procedure and is not covered by our any of normal practitioner categories, nor by D4X. The appropriate oral and maxillofacial category applies.
  • Q
    I prosthetically restore implants that have been placed by another practitioner, what category is appropriate?
    07 May 2021
    If you do not undertake the surgical aspect of implant placement, you do not require D4I or D4X (providing you do not need D4X through one of the other criteria), so whichever category is otherwise appropriate. We suggest that you refer to our Practice Category Guide for further information of categories.


  • Q
    I have just received my renewal document but I need to change to a different category, how do I get an updated renewal notice?
    06 May 2021

    Please email your request to change your practice category to [email protected]. Our membership team will arrange for an updated renewal notice to be issued to you under the new category.

  • Q
    I have received my quote/renewal and can see there is a fee for membership and a fee for insurance, what is the membership fee and why do I need this?
    06 May 2021
    Your cover is combined and contains both membership with Dental Protection and professional indemnity insurance underwritten by MDA National Insurance. As MDA National Insurance’s corporate authorised representative, Dental Protection manages the policy on MDA National Insurance’s behalf as well as providing membership benefits such as free CPD and access to dentolegal support. MDA National Insurance underwrites the insurance policy which means should you need to make a claim, MDA National Insurance provides indemnity in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.
  • Q
    Can I pay my renewal early?
    06 May 2021
    You can pay for your renewal once you have received and reviewed your renewal notice. We are unable to take payment for your renewal until you have received and reviewed the documentation.
  • Q
    When will I receive my renewal notice?
    06 May 2021
    You can expect to receive your renewal notice by the end of May.

New member enquiries / obtaining a quote

  • Q
    My current insurer has advised me that if I move to another insurer, they will no longer cover me for any claims that arise from the period I was previously insured by them. Will you cover me for this period?
    06 May 2021

    The Dental Indemnity Insurance policy underwritten by MDA National Insurance automatically includes retroactive cover for all unknown and unreported claims that may arise from past practice. Any known matters arising prior to the inception of your MDA National policy must be notified and managed by your current insurer.

  • Q
    I have had patient complaints or investigations in the past, which I have declared on my application. Will you need my claims history from my current insurer?
    06 May 2021

    Yes, we will require you to provide copies of your claims history from your current and previous insurers.

  • Q
    How long will it take for you to process my application once submitted?
    06 May 2021
    It will usually take us up to 3 business days to assess and process your application. If you tick yes to any questions on the application form, it may take us a little longer to process your application as we will need to obtain your claims history and a recommendation from our underwriter, MDA National Insurance before proceeding. Applications that require input from MDA National Insurance may take up to 5 business days for us to process.
  • Q
    I have just received a quote from you and noticed it is only covering me until the 30th of June, why is this? Am I still being charged for a full year?
    06 May 2021
    As we work in line with the Australian financial year, all of our policies end on the 30th of June each year. The quote provided to you is the pro-rata amount for the period outlined and not the full yearly premium.
  • Q
    I have had a patient complaint in the past, however it was resolved and I never had to make a claim through my insurer. Do I still need to declare this on my application?
    06 May 2021
    Yes, you need to declare any incidents or patient complaints on your application, regardless of whether or not a claim was made through your insurer.
  • Q
    I would like to obtain a quote for membership with Dental Protection and insurance underwritten by MDA National Insurance. How do I go about this?
    06 May 2021

    In order for us to provide you with an accurate quote, we require both the membership and the dental indemnity application forms to be completed. The application forms can be completed electronically and are Adobe compatible. Please click here to be directed to the application forms.

    Once you have completed your application forms, please email them to [email protected]. The quote is obligation free and will be valid for 31 days from the date of issue.

  • Q
    How is your MDA National Insurance Pty Ltd’s (MDANI) indemnity premium calculated?
    12 May 2022
    Indemnity premiums take into account a number of factors including the type of work being carried out, the usual number of hours worked and in some cases, specific procedures undertaken. Premiums are also influenced by a practitioner’s claims.

    Premiums are set to cover the total anticipated liabilities arising from the risks being underwritten each year, as well as the costs of administering the policy and managing the claims. MDA National Insurance works very closely with Actuaries to ensure that premiums are appropriately set, determined by factors associated with risk and claims trends.

    MDANI is an Australian licensed and regulated insurance company, and is therefore subject to meet specified capital requirements.
  • Q
    How is your Dental Protection membership fee calculated?
    12 May 2022
    Your membership subscription is calculated taking into account the type of work you are performing and where you are practicing and is then set to ensure that we can meet the costs of supporting you should a claim arise. In our experience, members practicing in certain jurisdictions are more likely to require comprehensive assistance from our dentolegal team than their colleagues working in other states or territories. Members undertaking defined procedures are also more likely to require assistance than their colleagues who don’t perform these procedures. For example, a member working full time and undertaking the surgical placement of implants is more likely to require assistance from our dentolegal consultants than a member working part-time doing general dentistry.
  • Q
    I have received a complaint from a patient in the past however, it was resolved and no claims were made through my insurer. Do you still need to see my claims history?
    06 May 2021

    Yes. We will require a copy of your claims history regardless of whether or not a claim was made. If a claim has not been made, most insurers will usually provide a letter of good standing to confirm this.

Payment options

  • Q
    Is it more expensive to pay monthly or quarterly?
    06 May 2021
    The total premium payable for monthly and quarterly instalments is slightly higher (approximately 2.5%) as there are administration expenses incurred in processing multiple payments. 
  • Q
    What payment options do you offer?
    06 May 2021

    You have the option to pay the full amount by credit card (online or over the phone), or BPAY or direct debit. You also have the option to pay on a monthly or quarterly basis, but this option is available by direct debit only. A Direct Debit Authority form will need to be completed.

  • Q
    What if I have matters to notify? Can I still renew my Dental Protection Membership and MDA National Insurance Policy?
    07 May 2021

    You can still renew your Dental Protection Membership and MDA National Insurance Policy online if you have any matters to notify us of.

    We encourage you to advise us as soon as possible of any circumstances that may lead to a claim, investigation or inquiry that you are aware of and not previously reported.

    To advise us of a matter, you can contact us on 1800 444 542.

  • Q
    What if I wish to make an amendment to my policy or if I have changed the work that I have previously done?
    07 May 2021

    Ensure that you review your renewal notice, prior to renewing, as it is important that you maintain the appropriate level of cover that accurately reflects your practice. Renewing online provides you with immediate access to your certificate of currency. For complete details of the Dental Protection Membership and MDA National Insurance Policy details, you should refer to your Renewal Notice. You should ensure these details are correct before proceeding with our Online Renewal and Payment service. If you require any changes to your current policy, please advise us by contacting us on 1800 444 542, or emailing us at [email protected].

  • Q
    What payment options are available online?
    07 May 2021

    You can pay the total annual amount due online by Credit Card. You can also set up monthly or quarterly payments from your bank account or credit card.

    Please refer to your Renewal Notice for all payment options.

  • Q
    How secure is your online facility?
    07 May 2021

    When you pay for your membership and indemnity insurance premium online, via our internet portal, you will then be redirected to the MDA National website. MDA National uses the very latest encryption and security certificate technologies, so our members can be sure that their data is protected. Further information can be found under the About Online Services section of the Member Online Services menu, via the secure link.

  • Q
    Who can renew and pay online?
    07 May 2021

    Anyone is able to renew their Dental Protection Membership and MDA National Insurance Policy online, provided they have:

    • received and reviewed their Renewal Notice
    • ensured the information contained within their Renewal Notice is correct
    • advised us as soon as possible of any circumstances that may lead to a claim, investigation or inquiry that they are aware of and not previously reported to us
    • ensured they are familiar with the terms and conditions of the policy contained in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording previously sent to them and any Supplementary PDS and Endorsement to the Policy Wording
    • Arrange payment by the due date
  • Q
    What is the Online Renewal and Payment service?
    07 May 2021

    The Online Renewal and Payment service allows payment and renewal of your Dental Protection Membership and MDA National Insurance Dental Indemnity Insurance Policy via a secure website.

  • Q
    What are the benefits of renewing online?
    07 May 2021

    The Online Renewal and Payment service enables you to renew your Dental Protection Membership and MDA National Insurance Policy securely, more easily, faster and at a time that best suits you.

  • Q
    If I pay the first couple of instalments on a monthly or quarterly basis then decide I would like to pay annually down the track, can I contact you mid-policy year to pay the remainder?
    06 May 2021

    You are welcome to contact our membership team to pay the remainder of your policy premium at any time. If you choose to amend your payment option from Direct Debit to another method your Direct Debit Service agreement will cease. If you wish to recommence paying by direct debit then a new agreement would need to be entered into.

  • Q
    Can I pay my monthly or quarterly instalments by BPAY?
    06 May 2021

    We are unable to accept manual monthly or quarterly payments. If you wish to pay monthly or quarterly, you must set up a direct debit.

Public liability insurance

  • Q
    Does my membership with Dental Protection include public liability insurance?
    06 May 2021
    As part of your membership benefits, you have the option to obtain a complimentary public liability insurance policy. We refer public liability insurance requests to a third party insurer called Dental Essentials, and this policy is free of charge for our members. Once you have requested public liability insurance, this will automatically continue to renew each year that you renew your membership with Dental Protection.

    Please be aware that as not every practitioner requires public liability insurance and it is not automatically included with every policy. You will need to let our membership team know if you require public liability insurance, so we can arrange for a separate public liability policy to be set up through Dental Essentials.
  • Q
    My employer has requested for me to have public liability insurance. What is public liability insurance and why do I need it?
    06 May 2021

    Public liability insurance is not a mandatory requirement of your AHPRA registration and is instead an individual requirement of each workplace. Public liability insurance is primarily designed to cover incidents that may occur causing personal injury or damage to property controlled by another person or company, and is unrelated to your practice of dentistry. You will need to check with your workplace to confirm why they require you to have it, but in general employees do not require it whereas contractors do.

Students and new graduates

  • Q
    Are you a new graduate from an Australian dental training institution?
    07 May 2021

    Upon application and acceptance, your MDA National Insurance Dental Indemnity Policy will commence in your final year of study under the free graduation membership category.  Dental graduates fall under the FYS/DG category whilst new hygienist, dental therapist and oral health therapist graduates fall under the FYS/QGA category.

  • Q
    My certificate of currency says my policy is current for another 18 months. Will I need to renew my policy at any time during this period to ensure I am covered?
    06 May 2021

    No, you will not. Your policy will remain current for the period outlined on your certificate, with no further action required from you.

  • Q
    I previously signed up as a student and am about to graduate this year. Do I need to re-complete the application forms in order to be covered when I graduate?
    06 May 2021

    No, you do not. If you previously signed up as a student, your policy will automatically renew in the Final Year Student/Graduate category on July 1st of your final year of study


  • Q
    I have completed some CPD courses with you and received my certificate, however, it does not specify whether the course is scientific or non-scientific. Could you tell me what it was and include this on the certificate?
    06 May 2021

    As per the requirements of the Dental Board of Australia, it is your obligation to determine whether or not a course is scientific or non-scientific. The following extracts from the Australian Dental Board may assist in determining whether the course is scientific or non-scientific.

    Scientific activities
    The Dental Board CPD Guidelines provide for “an activity to be recognised as clinically or scientifically based it must relate to the clinical, scientific, or technical aspects of oral health care. For example, activities about infection prevention and control, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), patient record keeping or dento-legal responsibilities would be classified as clinical/scientific, as would topics relating to oral health or particular dental procedures such as endodontics, caries treatment, crown preparations and so on.”

    Non-scientific activities
    “Non-scientific activities are those that are indirectly related to but supportive of dental care, and include courses about practice management. Subjects that relate to a dental practitioner’s financial wellbeing (such as marketing or personal finance) would be considered non-scientific. The activities need to contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of your knowledge, skills and performance of oral health care.”

  • Q
    What kind of CPD does Dental Protection provide as part of its membership benefits?
    06 May 2021

    We provide a variety of both scientific and non-scientific CPD including workshops, online learning modules available through our e-learning platform, Prism, publications, podcasts and webinars.

Case history and your premiums

  • Q
    Is my premium impacted when I seek dentolegal advice?
    10 June 2024

    Seeking dentolegal advice does not contribute to your premium. We encourage you to seek the support of DPL Australia’s dentolegal consultants, who can provide you with expert advice and support when you need it most. The team of industry-leading dentists, lawyers and medical defence experts are just a click or phone call away, and available 24/7 (in emergencies).

  • Q
    Do all investigations on my case history impact my premium?
    10 June 2024

    For the purposes of calculating your premium MDANI considers following occurring in the last 5 years:

    •   investigations by Ahpra, or

    •   inquiries by a health services authority, tribunal, Royal Commission, criminal court, hospital, consumer protection agency, Information Commissioner, Privacy Commissioner, Police or Anti-Discrimination Board

  • Q
    How do I obtain my case history?
    10 June 2024

    You can contact the DPLA membership team on [email protected] and 1800 444 542 to obtain a copy of your case history with MDA National Insurance.

  • Q
    Does the amount of settlement of a claim influence the amount of the case rating factor?
    10 June 2024

    If the costs pertaining to an eligible claim is greater than $5000 then it will meet the criteria for the case rating factor (CRF). Other than this the quantum of the claims settlement has no impact on the CRF. The CRF is not intended to recover costs of a claim or be a punitive measure. It is to accurately price for the heightened risk of a future claim.

  • Q
    Are there payment plans to help with payment of my premium?
    10 June 2024

    We offer a range of payment options including quarterly and monthly instalments. All payment options will be outlined in your Renewal Notice.

  • Q
    The nature of my practice has changed from previous years. Will I still receive a case rating factor?
    10 June 2024

    Your case history for the last 5 years is considered when applying a claims rating factor. While you may have stopped doing the nature of practice that led to the claims against you there is a potential likelihood of future cases arising from your past practice.

    If you have undertaken private work in the past MDA will continue to be liable for new claims or investigations arising from that practice that may be notified in the future arise in the future. On that basis the case rating factor has been applied to your Policy. If you are no longer undertaking any remunerated private practice and working in the public system please contact the Membership team at DPLA to discuss the appropriate level of cover as that may result in a decrease to your premium.

  • Q
    What if the claims or investigations were not my fault?
    10 June 2024

    We recognise that practitioners can be unlucky and may be subject to claims and/or investigations at some point during their career. However, our statistical analysis clearly indicates that a member who has had previous claims and/or investigations has a higher likelihood of a future claim.

    Like most insurers, our pricing approach reflects that those with a higher likelihood of a future claim pay a higher premium contribution to the overall insurance premium collected by MDA National.

    It is important to highlight that the increase in claims is not necessarily a reflection of a dentist’s quality of practice.

  • Q
    Is my premium impacted if I notify an accident?
    10 June 2024

    Notification of an adverse incident does not have an impact on your premium. If that incident eventuates into a litigated claim or an investigation that meet the criteria for the CRF then it may contribute to future premiums however that would depend on the criteria at the time.

    It is important that you continue to notify any matters that could lead to a claim under your Policy as that is a requirement under the terms and conditions of the Professional Indemnity Policy and forms part of your obligations under the Policy. Timely notification is crucial to ensure that you can get the best possible assistance/defence and failure to notify could have broader consequences on the cover under your Policy.

  • Q
    Do all claims on my case history impact my premium?
    10 June 2024

    Not all claims will impact your premium. For calculating your premium MDA National Insurance (MDANI) consider claims against you with estimated costs greater than $5000 per matter in the last 5 years. The recency of claims is also considered when you have had two or more claims in the last 5 years.

    Any claims against you that do not fall within the above criteria do not attract a case rating factor.

General enquiries

  • Q
    Is there somewhere I can log in online to update my contact details and policy?
    06 May 2021

    We do not have an online portal for you to log in and amend your contact details or policy at this stage. To update your contact details online, email our membership team at [email protected].

  • Q
    I have never accessed eLearning before, how do I set this up?
    06 May 2021

    You can activate your eLearning account by clicking here and following the instructions on how to activate your account. Your membership number for online learning is your Dental Protection membership number (not the MDA National Insurance number starting with a D or A). If you encounter any difficulties with your eLearning account access, please email our e-learning team at [email protected] with your full name and membership number.

  • Q
    My employer has requested that I list the practice name on my insurance, can I do this?
    07 May 2021

    As the policy covers you directly as the policy holder, we are unable to add any third parties or business names to the policy.

  • Q
    I have just received my welcome pack and noticed the amount on the certificate of insurance is different to the amount I paid, why is this?
    07 May 2021
    As the certificate of insurance only details the insurance premium paid for the indemnity policy; the membership subscription is not included. 
  • Q
    I am currently in a part time category and just wanted to confirm if I need to include time off/lunch breaks when calculating my hours of practice?
    07 May 2021

    When calculating your total hours of practice, you only need to include the time spent practising dentistry (including both clinical and non-clinical practice). You do not need to include time off or lunch breaks if you are not practising dentistry during that time.

  • Q
    I am going to be working at a few different practices, do I need to update you every time I change practice?
    07 May 2021

    No, you do not. As the policy covers you directly as a practitioner, you are covered to work at multiple practices and do not need to inform us if you change workplaces.

  • Q
    I have just started working as a contractor under an ABN instead of an employee, do I need to update my insurance?
    07 May 2021

    No, this has no impact on your dental indemnity policy.

  • Q
    I have just changed my name, can you update this?
    07 May 2021

    In order for us to update your name, we require a copy of the name change document or marriage certificate. Please email a copy of this through to our membership team at [email protected].

  • Q
    A colleague has died – am I indemnified to treat their patients?
    06 May 2021

    As is the case with any new patient you take on, so long as you are in the correct grade of membership to reflect the scope of your practice, you may treat a colleague’s patients (e.g. if you are a general practitioner treating patients with implants, or continuing orthodontic treatment, then you are in the appropriate SP grade). You can request help or assistance from Dental Protection if needed.

    When you take over care of a patient, you are not taking over liability for past treatment, however you are responsible for all treatment going forward.  If the patient was mid-way through a course of treatment with a previous dentist – for example, fitting crowns or dentures that had already been constructed – then you would need to be sure that the preparations on the teeth or dentures was of an appropriate standard before you continued with the treatment.  If you have any concerns with the existing preparation, then you should amend or remake as needed.  If you proceed with the existing treatment, you are accepting that it is of an appropriate standard.  Similarly, if you do not agree with the pre-existing treatment plan, you will need to amend it and proceed as you see fit, as it will be your responsibility from that point forward.

  • Q
    I don’t carry out these Specified Procedures very often. Can I continue to pay the basic subscription, and ‘top up’ my subscription payment each time I carry out these procedures?
    31 March 2016
    No. Our subscriptions are calculated to apply to a full membership year, so if at any time during that year you will be carrying out Specified Procedures (see grade sheet for definition), you need to be in the correct membership category for that entire year. 
  • Q
    I place implants in the maxilla and sometimes I need to place a little bone graft material just under the sinus lining. Which category do I need to be in?
    31 March 2016
    2SP (see grade sheet for definition). Any deliberate interference with the bony margins of the maxillary sinus when placing implants, with or without bone grafting represents an increased risk and you will need to be in the 2SP category. You need to be in 3rd year or above of practice to enable us to protect you.
  • Q
    If I am paying insufficient subscriptions and a claim is made, what assistance can I have?
    31 March 2016
    In order to benefit from membership it is imperative that you are in the correct membership category. The entitlement to make a request for assistance is only valid if you are paying the correct subscription. It is very unlikely that a request for assistance when a member is in the incorrect category will be authorised.
  • Q
    I do not place implants although I restore implants placed by colleagues with crowns and bridges and other prostheses. Do I have to pay the 1SP subscription?
    31 March 2016
    No, the surgical placement of implants represents the additional risk that concerns us at the present time. 

© 2010-2024 The Medical Protection Society Limited

DPL Australia Pty Ltd (“DPLA”) is registered in Australia with ABN 24 092 695 933. DPLA is part of the Medical Protection Society Limited (“MPS”) group of companies. MPS is registered in England (No. 00036142) with its registered office at Level 19, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9SG. All the benefits of MPS membership are discretionary, as set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

“Dental Protection member” in Australia means a non-indemnity dental member of MPS. Dental Protection members may hold membership independently or in conjunction with membership of the Australian Dental Association (W.A. Branch) Inc. (“ADAWA”).

Dental Protection members who hold membership independently need to apply for, and where applicable maintain, an individual Dental Indemnity Policy underwritten by MDA National Insurance Pty Ltd (“MDA”), ABN 56 058 271 417, AFS

Licence No. 238073. DPLA is a Corporate Authorised Representative of MDA with CAR No. 326134. For such Dental Protection members, by agreement with MDA, DPLA provides point-of-contact member services, case management and colleague-to-colleague support.

Dental Protection members who are also ADAWA members need to apply for, and where applicable maintain, an individual Dental Indemnity Policy underwritten by MDA, which is available in accordance with the provisions of ADAWA membership.

None of ADAWA, DPLA and MPS are insurance companies. Dental Protection® is a registered trademark of MPS.

Before making a decision to buy or hold any products issued by MDANI, please consider your personal circumstances and the Important Information, Policy Wording and any supplementary documentation available by contacting DPLA on 1800 444 542 or via email.

For information on MPS and DPLA’s use of your personal data and your rights, please see our Privacy Notice.